Initialize your Trezor hardware wallet effortlessly at Our comprehensive instructions ensure a secure setup, helping you safeguard your digital assets from the very beginning.

To ensure your cryptocurrency is safe during the setup process on, follow these key security measures:

  1. Use a Trusted Computer: Ensure that the computer you use to set up your Trezor is free from malware and viruses. Avoid using public or shared computers.

  2. Verify the Website URL: Make sure you are visiting the correct website, Phishing sites may look similar but are designed to steal your information. Double-check the URL and ensure it has HTTPS encryption.

  3. Download Software from Official Sources: Only download Trezor Bridge and other required software from official Trezor links provided on the setup page. Avoid third-party websites and ensure the software is up-to-date.

  4. Check Device Integrity: Before starting, inspect your Trezor Suite device for any signs of tampering. The device should be in its original, unopened packaging.

  5. Keep Recovery Seed Offline: When writing down your recovery seed, ensure it is recorded on the provided recovery card and kept offline. Do not store it digitally or take photos of it. This seed is critical for recovering your wallet and should be kept in a secure, private location.

  6. Verify Firmware Installation: Confirm the firmware installation on your Trezor device by checking the device screen. Only proceed if the firmware is from an official Trezor source.

  7. Set a Strong PIN: Choose a unique and strong PIN for your Trezor device. Avoid simple or easily guessable PINs, and never share your PIN with anyone.

  8. Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Ensure no one is watching you during the setup process, especially when you are handling your recovery seed or entering your PIN.

  9. Avoid Public Wi-Fi: Use a secure and private internet connection during the setup process. Avoid public Wi-Fi networks, which can be less secure and susceptible to attacks.

  10. Enable Additional Security Features: After the initial setup, explore and enable additional security features offered by Trezor, such as passphrase protection, to add an extra layer of security to your wallet.

By following these security measures, you can help ensure that your Trezor hardware wallet setup is secure and that your cryptocurrency remains safe.

Last updated